We all know peanuts taste great and peanut butter tastes even better … but do you know how peanut butter is made?
The Peanut Butter Story

1. First a farmer buys peanut seeds to plant, choosing the variety which will grow best in his paddock

2. The farmer uses a special machine called a planter to plant the peanut seed in the soil

3. The peanut seeds grow quickly into little bushes and soon small yellow flowers form

4. Small stems called pegs grow into the soil from the bush. The end of each peg produces a peanut under the ground

5. The farmer then harvests the peanut bushes with a digger, leaving them upturned in the sun to dry

6. When the peanut plants have dried out enough, the peanuts are shaken off the dried bushes with a thresher

7. The peanuts are then taken by truck to the Peanut Company of Australia factory in Kingaroy for processing

8. Employees use machines to remove the peanut shells and sorters to separate out any unwanted material (soil, twigs etc)

9. The peanuts are then roasted in
giant ovens…
Now it’s time to grind the roasted peanuts! The ground peanuts come out of the machine ready for packing and sale as peanut butter. Peanuts taste great, but peanut butter tastes even better!
In Kingaroy, fresh peanut butter made from PCA’s tasty peanuts is always available for sale at The Peanut Van in Kingaroy Street.
PCA also sells peanuts to several of the major Australian peanut butter manufacturers. So the next time you enjoy a peanut butter sandwich, there’s a good chance it’s PCA peanuts that you’re enjoying!